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Language courses in Alicante

Alicante is located in south-eastern Spain on the Costa Blanca, which is one of the most beautiful coasts of Spain. This popular vacation destination is located about two hours from Valencia. Alicante is also called the "city of light" and offers an agreeable climate and palm-fringed beaches. The vibrant nightlife is dominated by students who dance in the bars until sunrise. It’s a university town of about 330,000 inhabitants where everything is easily reached by foot. You can meet people from all over the world in the city’s numerous cafés and restaurants. All this makes Alicante a very popular place for a language course.

This program is based on lessons in small groups of 3-10 students. They meet Monday through Friday for 3 hours daily. 9 ability levels will be offered – from beginners through advanced courses for perfecting knowledge of Spanish. This course is only offered from January until June and from October until December.

Lessons take place from Monday to Friday in small groups of 3-10 persons.
There are 7 different levels (beginners, advanced, perfection) and the minimum of participation is 2 weeks.

This course prepares the student to obtain the "Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera" (D.E.L.E.) carried out by the Instituto Cervantes. The course offers 30 lessons per week (50 minutes) intensive course, focusing on the preparation of the exam. An extra tutor will supervise the supplementary studies, analyse the participant's own particular needs and helps the student to enrol in the appropriate level. The examination fee is not included in our prices. The minimum course length is 2 weeks.
Content: grammar, vocabulary, conversation, cultural topics, exam preparation.
Prices always include instruction materials, level-classification test, and certificate of participation.

The Intensive language is only available for german participants. The course includes 25 hours of lessons per week (Mon-Fri) and an additional 10 hours. Lessons take place in small groups of 3-10 students. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate. This course is recognized as Bildungsurlaub for german citizien.

Information about school


The school is located in the city centre of Alicante, right behind the “Mercado Central”. There are many cafés, restaurants and shops in the surrounding area.


The school has modern and air-conditioned classrooms. The friendly atmosphere and excellent technical equipment provide a great atmosphere for effective learning. In addition, the students can use computers with free internet access and a library with Spanish literature.

Starting dates:

Courses start every Monday with the exceptions of complete beginners – usually only on the first week of the month.


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